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Mindfulness quote
The mind is everything.
What you think you become.

Virya is a Buddhist term relating to positive energy and the perfection of joyful effort in your life and determines that three different types of “laziness” can be identified.  The term lazy could be viewed as quite negative but in this context it implies that we are being lazy by not giving the attention, focus and commitment we need to ourselves.


  1. Self-indulgence – we indulge ourselves in the feelings that we are not able to do something therefore there is no point in trying to do so.    WE PROCRASTINATE RATHER THAN PLAN!

  2. Lethargy – we are constantly busy, tired, overwhelmed by life. We feel that we make so much effort but never really get anywhere with what it is we set out to achieve.     A LACK OF FOCUS!

  3. Clinging – our involvement in activities that take up our time to help others relate to our personal values, beliefs and attitudes, but do not allow us to feel motivated to progress in goals that are important to our own self-growth.     A LACK OF SELF BELIEF!

Using these, Virya Life has developed our unique LIMITS model using three different life coaching systems based on what you need right now.


  1. GOALS  – providing a non-judgemental listener (ear, companion, coach, mentor) who will set goals relating to a long-term objective and motivate, review and ensure progress.

  2. PERSONAL  – use our unique LIMITS philosophy to explore your current life, feel gratitude and identify ways of moving forward.

  3. BEHAVIOUR AND ATTITUDES  – identify what is holding you back and how this can be turned into a positive in your life.

Some clients can come to Virya Life with a clear goal in mind and just need a non-judgemental space to help motivate and empower them to develop a plan of action. Change is up to you and a commitment to putting in the necessary work is key to moving forward.


Some clients need a longer term package that may take time to explore LIMITS and how positive change can be made to move forward.


The coaching program that is best for your needs will be discussed and agreed between you and Sally in your first consultation which is free of charge.  This will take 30 – 40 minutes and can be done by Skype, Phone or you can visit Sally in Ipswich if you prefer a more personal touch.


If you would like an indication of the type of coaching required please spend a few minutes looking at three life situations in our “Is it for me?” test by clicking the button below.  It’s totally free and without obligation.

Coaching gives you the chance to take time away from your busy life and focus on YOU!

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